Welcome to the Fukuma Laboratory Website!!!
Notice of laboratory relocation
- Apr. 2025 R. Kato et al., , "Toward nanoscale structural and chemical analysis of microbial surfaces" has been pubulished in Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem
- Feb. 2025 M. S. Alam et al., "Significant reduction of cell invasiveness in nanoneedle insertion into a living cell with an electron-beam-deposited probe: impacts of probe geometry, speed and vibration" has been published in, Nanoscale.
- Feb. 1-2, 2025 Keisuke Miyazawa nvited talk in ISMMF-1 (Sendai, Japan).
- 31. Jan. - 3. Feb., 2025 Takeshi Fukuma invited talk in XXXIV Annual Linz Winter Workshop, (Linz, Austria).
- Jan. 9, 2025 Takeshi Fukuma invited talk in 23rd NanoLSI Colloquium (Kanazawa, Japan).
- Dec. 2024 A. Yurtsever et al., "Visualizing the Submolecular Organization of αβ-Tubulin Subunits on the Microtubule Inner Surface Using Atomic Force Microscopy" has been published in Nano Lett.
- Dec. 2024 K. Hirata et al., "Corrosion Inspection for Hard Disk Media with Carbon-Based Overcoats by In-Liquid Open-Loop Electric Potential Microscopy" has been published in ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces.
- Dec. 1-6, 2024 T. Fukuma invited talk, Md F. Newaz poster presentation in MRS Fall Meeting 2024(Boston, USA).
- Nov. 2024 Y. Kono et al., "Roles of the lamin A-specific tail region in the localization to sites of nuclear envelope rupture" has been published in PNAS Nexus.
- Nov. 2024 T. Kozakai et al., "An improved temperature-sensitive shuttle vector system for scarless gene deletion in human-gut-associated Bifidobacterium species" has been published in iScience.
- Nov. 18-20, 2024 K. Miyata poster presentation, R. Hashimoto oral presentation in 32nd International Colloquium on Scanning Probe Microscopy (ICSPM32)(Sapporo, Japan).
- Sep. 25-27, 2024 T. Fukuma keynote preasentation in The second International Symposium of Nano Life Science: Nano Biotechnology, Biophysics, Computation (NanoBioCoM2024) (Qui Nhon, Vietnam).
- Aug. 25-30, 2024 M. S. Alam oral presentation in European Microscopy Congress (EMC2024) (Copenhagen, Denmark).
- Aug. 2024 K. Miyata et al., "High-Speed Three-Dimensional Scanning Force Microscopy Visualization of Subnanoscale Hydration Structures on Dissolving Calcite Step Edges" has been published in Nanolett.
- Aug. 18-23, 2024 Takeshi Fukuma invited talk in 75th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry(Montreal, Canada).
- 5-9 Aug., 2024 K. Miyata oral presentation in 25th International Conference on Non-contact Atomic Force Microscopy (NC-AFM2024)(Montreal, Canada).
- July 2024 K. Uchida et al., "Stability Enhancement by Hydrophobic Anchoring and a Cross-Linked Structure of a Phospholipid Copolymer Film for Medical Devices" has been published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.
- Jun. 24-28, 2024 T. Fukuma, K. Miyazawa invited talik, T. Sumikama, T. Ichikawa, A.S. Borowiak, M. S. Alam(D3), H. M. Mubarak(D3), N.M. Fahim(D2) poster presentation in International Union for Pure and Applied Biophysics (IUPAB) 2024, (Kyoto, Japan)
- Jun. 2024 M. S. Alam et al., "Revealing the Mechanism Underlying 3D-AFM Imaging of Suspended Structures by Experiments and Simulations" has been published in Small Methods.
- May 27-31, 2024 A.S. Borowiak poster presentation in The 2024Spring Meeting of the European Materials Research Society(Strasbourg, France).
- May 20-22, 2024 A.S. Borowiak invited talk in NANOSUMMIT2024 (Lyon, France).
- Apr. 22-24 2024 Takeshi Fukuma invited talk in OpenSPM Conference 2024(Lausanne, Switzerland).
- Apr. 14-20 2024 Takeshi Fukuma Keynote presentation in Nano in Bio 2024(Guadeloupe, France).
- Apr. 8 2023 New members have joined our group.
- Feb. 2024 A. Yurtsever et al., "Dynamics of Molecular Self-Assembly of Short Peptides at Liquid–Solid Interfaces – Effect of Charged Amino Acid Point Mutations" has been published in Small
- Jan. 2024 T. Fukuma, "Visualizing the inside of three-dimensional self-organizing systems by threedimensional atomic force microscopy"has been published in Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.
- Dec. 7-8 2023 M. S. Alam(D2), H. Zhang(M2) oral, K. Miyata, A. S. Borowiak, R. Kojima(D2), M. M. Hosain(D2), M. F. Newaz(D1), D. Hamasaki(M2), S. Fujita(M2), D. Yashiro(M1) poster presentation in 31st International Colloquium on Scanning Probe Microscopy (ICSPM31)(Tokyo, Japan)
- Nov. 26 - Dec. 1, 2023 T. Fukuma invited talk in 2023 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit(Boston, USA)
- Nov. 15-16 2023 T. Fukuma Keynote presentation in the Operando SPM 2023(Berlin, Germany)
- Nov. 9, 2023 K. Miyazawa Paster presentation in AVS69(Portland, USA)
- Oct. 31- Nov. 2, 2023 K. Matsumoto oral presentation in Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Vacuum and Surface Science 2023(JVSS 2023)(Nagoya, Japan).
- Oct. 2023 A. Inaba et al., "Synthesis of optically active star polymers consisting of helical poly(phenylacetylene) chains by the living polymerization of phenylacetylenes and their chiroptical properties" has been published in RSC Adv.
- Sep. 10-15 2023 T. Fukuma invited talk, H. Furusho poster presentation in The International Microscopy Congress 20 (Busan, Korea).
- Aug. 2023 Y. Takahashi et al., "Nanopipette Fabrication Guidelines for SICM Nanoscale Imaging" has been published in Anal. Chem.
- Jul. 2023 S. Fujisawa et al., "Morphological Changes of Polymer-Grafted Nanocellulose during a Drying Process" has been published in Biomacromolecules.
- Jul. 23-27 2023 K. Miyazawa oral presentation in Microscopy and Microanalysis 2023(Minneapolis, USA)
- Jul. 2023 S. Nagai et al., "Three-dimensional ordering of water molecules reflecting hydroxyl groups on sapphire (001) and α-quartz (100) surfaces" has been published in Nanoscale.
- Jul. 2023 T. Ichikawa et al., "Protocol for live imaging of intracellular nanoscale structures using atomic force microscopy with nanoneedle probes" has been published in STAR Protocols.
- Jul. 2023 K. Hirata et al., "Size-Dependent Corrosion of Al-Fe Intermetallic Particles at Al-Mg Alloy Surfaces Investigated by In-Liquid Nanoscale Potential Measurement Technique" has been published in Small.
- Jul. 2023 R. Biyani et al., "Biophysical Properties of the Fibril Structure of the Toxic Conformer of Amyloid-β42: Characterization by Atomic Force Microscopy in Liquid and Molecular Docking" has been published in ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces.
- Jun. 14-16, 2023 T. Fukuma Keynote presentation, T. Ikarashi, S. Yamamoto, R. Kojima oral presentation in 9th Multifrequency AFM Conference(Madrid, Spain)
- June 5-8, 2023 T. Ikarashi was awarded Students Awards in The 9th International Symposium on Organic and Inorganic Electronic Materials and Related Nanotechnologies (EM-NANO 2023)(Kanazawa, Japan).
- June 5-8, 2023 T. Fukuma, Keynote presentation, T. Ikarashi S. Yamamoto oral presentation in The 9th International Symposium on Organic and Inorganic Electronic Materials and Related Nanotechnologies (EM-NANO 2023)(Kanazawa, Japan).
- 20 May 2023 Keiduke Miyazawa was awarded JVSS Rising-Researcher Lecture Award 2023.
- May. 2023 S. Fujisawa et al., "Molecular Dynamics of Drying-Induced Structural Transformations in a Single Nanocellulose" has been published in Small.
- Apr. 2023 T. Soeta et al., "Molecular Assembly and Gelating Behavior of (l)-Alanine Derivatives" has been published in Chem. Eur. J.
- Apr. 2023 M. Tsujioka et al., "Identification of a novel type of focal adhesion remodelling via FAK/FRNK replacement, and its contribution to cancer progression" has been published in Cell Death and Disease.
- Mar. 2023 A. Yurtsever et al., "Molecular Scale Structure and Kinetics of Layer-by-Layer Peptide Self-Organization at Atomically Flat Solid Surfaces" has been published in ACS Nano.
- 10 Apr. 2023 New members have joined our group.
- Mar. 2023 Y. Hao et al., "Highly Stable Triangular Single-Layer 2D Assemblies: Synthesis and Their Stimuli-Responsive Elastic and Anisotropic Curling" has been published in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed 2023.
- Mar. 2023 S. Yamamoto et al., "Nanoscale Corrosion Mechanism at Grain Boundaries of the Al−Zn−Mg Alloy Investigated by Open-Loop Electric Potential Microscopy" has been published in J. Phys. Chem. C 2023.
- Mar. 14-16, 2023 Keisuke Miyazawa inveited talk in "The 100th Anniversary Annual Meeting of The Physiological Society of Japan" (Kyoto, Japan)
- Feb. 6, 2023 Keisuke Miyazawa inveited talk in " NIG Biological Symposium" (Mishima, Japan)
- Feb. 2023 T. Nakamura et al., "Formation and evolution of carbonaceous asteroid Ryugu: Direct evidence from returned samples " has been pulished in Science.
- Feb. 2023 K. Ono et al., "Characterization of adhesivity of organic enriched sea spray aerosols by atomic force microscopy" has been published in Atmospheric Environmen
- Jan. 2023 Y. Hayakawa et al., "Actin-binding domain of Rng2 sparsely bound on F-actin strongly inhibits actin movement on myosin II" has been published in Life Science Alliance.
- Dec. 14, 2022 Takeshi Fukuma inveited talk in "2022 JAIST International Symposium of Nanomaterials and Devices Research Area" (Nomi, Japan & Online)
- 6-11 Nov., M. S. Alam was awarded Biointerphases Student Poster Awards at AVS 68th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM & EXHIBITION(Pittsburgh, PA)
- 6-11 Nov., M. Miyazawa, S. Yamamoto, R. Kojima : oral, M. S. Alam : poster presentation in AVS 68th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM & EXHIBITION(Pittsburgh, PA)
- Nov. 14-15, 2022 Takeshi Fukuma invited talk in "6th NanoLSI International Symposium" (Kanazawa, Japan & Online)
- Oct. 6, 2022 Takeshi Fukuma invited talk in "NanoLSI Technology Showcase "
- Oct. 2022 A. Yurtsever et al., "Molecular insights on the crystalline cellulose-water interfaces via three-dimensional atomic force microscopy" has been published in Sci. Adv. <
- Sep. 2022 A. Yamamoto et al., "Ion-specific nanoscale compaction of cysteinemodified poly(acrylic acid) brushes revealed by 3D scanning force microscopy with frequency modulation detection" has been published in Nanoscale Adv.
- 21 Sep. 2022 Takeshi Fukuma inveited talk in "The Computational Biophysics of Atomic Force Microscopy" (Kanazawa, Japan & Online)
- Sep. 2022 T. Ikarashi et al., "Visualizing Molecular-Scale Adsorption Structures of Anti-freezing Surfactants on Sapphire (0001) Surfaces at Different Concentrations by 3D Scanning Force Microscopy" has been published in ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2022.
- 16 Sep., 2022 K. Miyazawa was awarded Canon Anelva Prize at IVC-22 for Young Researcher, and M. S. Alam was awarded ULVAC Student Prize at IVC-22 at the 22nd International Vacuum Congress (IVC-22)(Sapporo, Japan)
- 11-16 Sep., 2022 K. Miyazawa, M. S. Alam oral presentation in The 22nd International Vacuum Congress (IVC-22)(Sapporo, Japan)
- 30 Aug. - 2 Sep., 2022 T. Ichikawa, R. Kojima, M. S. Alam :oral, T. Kawabata:poster presentation in AFM BioMed Conference2022(Okazaki, Japan)
- August 1-5, 2022 T. Ikarashi oral presentation in The 23rd International Conference on Non-contact Atomic Force Microscopy (NC-AFM 2022 conference)(Nijmegen, Netherlands)
- 20 Jul. 2022 Keisuke Miyazawa inveited talk in "RIKEN CSRS Seminar"(Yokohama, Japan)
- Jul. 2022 K. Miyata et al., "Atomic-scale structures and dynamics at the growing calcite step edge investigated by high-speed frequency modulation atomic force microscopy" has been published in Faraday Discuss.
- Jun. 2022 A. Bahador et al., "Room temperature and high-temperature properties of extruded Ti-4Fe-3W/2TiC composites in a+b and b phases" has been publised in Mater Des.
- Jun. 2022 T. Sumikama et al., "Computed Three-Dimensional Atomic Force Microscopy Images of Biopolymers Using the Jarzynski Equality" has been published in J. Phys. Chem. Lett.
- Jun. 2022 A. Yurtsever et al., "Probing the Structural Details of Chitin Nanocrystal–Water Interfaces by Three-Dimensional Atomic Force Microscopy" has been published in Small Methods.
- Jun. 2022 M. Anderson et al.,, "Learning lessons from nature – the future of biomimetics: general discussion" has been published in Faraday Discuss.
- May 2022 KX. Ngo et al., "Unraveling the Host-Selective Toxic Interaction of Cassiicolin with Lipid Membranes and Its Cytotoxicity" has been publised in PHYTOPATHOLOGY
- May 2022 T. Ichikawa et al., " Chemical fixation creates nanoscale clusters on the cell surface by aggregating membrane proteins " has been publised in COMMUNICATIONS BIOLOGY.
- Jun. 4, 2022 Takeshi Fukuma inveited talk in "Nanoendoscopy AFM for visualizing nanodynamics and nanomechanics inside living cells ", Engineering Mechanics of Cell & Tissue Morphogenesis(Kanazawa, Japan & Online)
- Apr. 14-17, 2022 Keisuke Miyazawa inveited talk in IEEE-NEMS2022(Online, hosted by IEEE, USA)
- 8 Apr., 2022 New members have joined our group.
- Mar. 28-30, 2022 Takeshi Fukuma, Kazuki Miyata, Yuta Kawagoe, Naoyuki Miyashita, Tomoki Nakagawa inveited talk in Faraday Discussion - Understanding Crystallization(Online and York, UK)
- Mar. 23, 2022 Takeshi Fukuma inveited talk in The 99th CEMS Colloquium (Online and Wako, Japan)
- Mar. 1-2, 2022 T. Fukuma inveited talk in 5th NanoLSI International Symposium (Online and Kanazawa, Japan)
- Jan. 2022 Y. Kanno et al., "Alkaline Phosphatase-based Electrochemical Analysis for Point-of-Care Testing" has been published in Electroanalysis.
- Jan. 2022 M. V. Makarova et al., "Direct Electrochemical Visualization of the Orthogonal Charge Separation in Anatase Nanotube Photoanodes for Water Splitting " has been published in ACS Catal.
- Dec. 9-10, 2021 T. Ikarashi, S. Yamamoto, R. kojima:oral, K. Miyata: poster presentation in 29th International Colloquium on Scanning Probe Microscopy (ICSPM29)(Online)
- Dec. 2021 J. A. Lebitania et al., "Local Cross-Coupling Activity of Azide-Hexa(ethylene glycol)-Terminated Self-Assembled Monolayers Investigated by Atomic Force Microscopy" has been published in Langmuir.
- Dec. 2021 M. Penedo et al., "Visualizing intracellular nanostructures of living cells by nanoendoscopy-AFM" has been pubulished in Sci. Adv.
- Nov. 28 - Dec. 1 K. Hirata, T. Ikarashi, S. Yamamoto, R. kojima oral presentation in The 9 International Symposium on Surface Science (ISSS-9)(Online)
- Nov. 2021 A. Yurtsever et al., "Visualisation of helical structures of poly(diphenylacetylene)s bearing chiral amide pendants by atomic force microscopy" has been published in Chem. Commun.
- Nov. 2021 L. Puppulin et al., "Macrocyclic Peptide-Conjugated Tip for Fast and Selective Molecular Recognition Imaging by High-Speed Atomic Force Microscopy" has been publised in ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces.
- Oct. 25-28, 2021 Takeshi Fukuma inveited talk in AVS 67 Virtual Symposium, (Online, hosted by AVS, USA).
- Oct. 2021 T. Yamamoto et al., "Characterization of the Depth of Discharge-Dependent Charge Transfer Resistance of a Single LiFePO4 Particle" has been published in Anal. Chem.
- Oct. 18-22, 2021 T. Fukuma inveited talk in NanoGe Fall Meeting 2021, (Online, hosted by Fundació Scito, Valencia, Spain).
- Aug. 16 - 19, 2021 T. Fukuma inveited talk in The 2021 CAMP CMP Symposium (Online, hosted by Clarkson Univ., USA)
- Aug. 2021 K. Miyata et al., "High-Speed Atomic Force Microscopy of the Structure and Dynamics of Calcite Nanoscale Etch Pits" has been published in J. Phys. Chem. Lett.
- July 2021 Y. Kanno et al., "Alkaline Phosphatase-based Electrochemical Analysis for Point-of-care Testing" has been published in Electroanalysis.
- July 2021 D. Chen et al., "Quasi-solid-state self-assembly of 1D-branched ZnSe/ZnS quantum rods into parallel monorail-like continuous films for solar devices" has been published in Nano Energy.
- Oct., 2021 Y. Zhou et al., "Scanning electrochemical microscopy for biosurface imaging" has been published in Curr Opin Electroche.
- Jun. 28 - Jul. 2, 2021 T. Fukuma inveited talk in The 2021 I(SPM)3 Conference (Online, hosted by NIST, USA)
- Jun., 2021 K. Sato et al., "Electrochemical Quantitative Evaluation of the Surface Charge of a Poly(1-Vinylimidazole) Multilayer Film and Application to Nanopore pH Sensor" has been published in Electroanalysis.
- May., 2021 Y. Kawabe et al., "Nanoscale characterization of the site-specific degradation of electric double-layer capacitor using scanning electrochemical cell microscopy" has been published in Electrochem. Sci. Adv.
- 12 Apr., 2021 New members have joined our group.
- Apr., 2021 M. Penedo et al., "Cell penetration efficiency analysis of different atomic force microscopy nanoneedles into living cells" has been published in Scientific Reports.
- Mar., 2021 T. Ando et al., "Nanoscale Reactivity Mapping of a Single-Crystal Boron-Doped Diamond Particle" has been published in Anal. Chem.
- Mar., 2021 A. Yurtsever et al., "Structural and mechanical characteristics of exosomes from osteosarcoma cells explored by 3D-atomic force microscopy" has been published in Nanoscale.
- Mar., 2021 K. Sato et al., "Electrochemical Quantitative Evaluation of the Surface Charge of a Poly(1-vinylimidazole) Multilayer Film and Application to Nanopore pH Sensor" has been published in Electroanalysis.
- 22 Jan., 2021 T. Ikarashi et al., "Inhibition of Silica Nanoparticle Adhesion to Poly(vinyl alcohol) Surfaces by Ammonia-Mediated Hydration: Implications for Effective Post-Chemical–Mechanical Planarization Cleaning ", has been published in ACS Appl. Nano Mater.
- 10-11 Dec., 2020 K. Miyata, R. Kojima:Talk, T. Ikarashi, D. Mizushima, S. Yamamoto, R. Sakakibara Poster Presentation in The 28th International Colloquium on Scanning Probe Microscopy (ICSPM28)(Online, hosted by Tsukuba University, Japan)
- Nov., 2020, K. Shingyou et al., " Geometrical Characterization of Glass Nanopipettes with Sub-10 nm Pore Diameter by Transmission Electron Microscopy " has been published in Anal. Chem.
- 9-10 Nov., 2020, T. Fukuma inveited talk in The Virtual Symposium on Scanning Probe Microscopy: Current Status and Future Trends (Online, hosted by Peking University, China & Ewha Womans University, Korea).
- 3-4 Nov., 2020, T. Fukuma inveited talk in Virtual RMS AFM & SPM Meeting (Online, hosted by The University of Sheffield, UK).
- 27-30 Oct., 2020, K. Miyazawa, K. Hirata Poster Presentation in 8th Multifrequency AFM Conference(Online, hosted by CSIC) .
- Oct., 2020, M. Penedo et al., "Photothermal excitation efficiency enhancement of cantilevers by electron beam deposition of amorphous carbon thin films"has been published in Scientific Reports.
- Oct., 27-30, 2020, T. Fukuma inveited talk in The 8th Multifrequency Conference (Online, hosted by The Institute of Materials Science in Madrid, Spain).
- 1 Oct., 2020, Yasufumi Takahashi has been promoted from associate professor to professor.
- Sep., 2020, C. Zhong et al., "Domain observation in the visible-light photocatalyst Bi4NbO8Br with the layered perovskite structure" has been published in Applied Physics Express.
- Aug., 2020, T. Fukuma, "Subnanometer-scale imaging of nanobio-interfaces by frequency modulation atomic force microscopy" has been published in Biochem Soc Trans.
- Aug., 2020, T. Fukuma, "Improvements in fundamental performance of in-liquid frequency modulation atomic force microscopy" has been published in Microscopy.
- Jul., 2020 Y. Takahashi et al., "Nanoscale kinetic imaging of lithium ion secondary battery materials using scanning electrochemical cell microscopy" has been published in Chem. Commun.
- Jul., 2020 L. Yang et al., "Photo-sensitive 2D Arrangement of −OH/H2O on Brookite TiO2(210)" has been published in J. Phys. Chem. C.
- Jun., 2020 K. Miyazawa et al., "Tip dependence of three-dimensional scanning force microscopy images of calcite–water interfaces investigated by simulation and experiments" has been published in Nanoscale.
- Jun., 2020 K. Hirata et al., "Wideband Magnetic Excitation System for Atomic Force Microscopy Cantilevers with Megahertz-Order Resonance Frequency" has been published in Scientific Reports.
- May 2020 K. Ono et al., "Direct Measurement of Adhesion Force of Individual Aerosol Particles by Atomic Force Microscopy" has been published in Atmosphere.
- 16 Apr., 2020 New members have joined our group.
- Mar., 2020 H. Asakawa et al., "Chiral Monolayers with Achiral Tetrapod Molecules on Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite" has been published in J. Phys. Chem. C.
- Feb., 2020 Y. Takahashi et al., "High-Resolution Electrochemical Mapping of the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction on Transition-Metal Dichalcogenide Nanosheets" has been published in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.
- Feb., 2020 W. Foster et al., "Self-assembly of small molecules at hydrophobic interfaces using group effect" has been published in Nanoscale.
- Jan., 2020 Y. Takahashi et al., "High-Speed SICM for the Visualization of Nanoscale Dynamic Structural Changes in Hippocampal Neurons" has been published in Anal. Chem.
- Jan., 2020 T. Sumikama et al., "Computed Atomic Force Microscopy Images of Chromosomes by Calculating Forces with Oscillating Probes" has been published in J. Phys. Chem. C.
- 5-7 Dec., 2019 K. Miyata, T. Ikarashi, S. Yamamoto Poster Presentation in The 27th International Colloquium on Scanning Probe Microscopy (ICSPM27)(Shuzenji, Japan)
- 28-31 Oct., 2019 K. Miyazawa talk in 32nd International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference(MNC2019)(Hiroshima, Japan)
- 11-14 Aug., 2019 T. Fukuma inveited talk in The 23rd International Symposium on Chemical-Mechanical Planarization(Lake Placid, USA)
- 08 Aug., 2019 T. Fukuma talk in The 3rd NanoLSI International Symposium (Vancouver, Canada)
- 29 Jul. - 02 Aug., 2019 K. Miyata et. al. talk in The 22nd International Conference on Non-contact Atomic Force Microscopy(NC-AFM2019) (Regensburg, Germany)
- 24 Jul., 2019 K. Miyata et al., “Variations in Atomic-Scale Step Edge Structures and Dynamics of Dissolving Calcite in Water Revealed by High-Speed Frequency Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy” has been published in J. Phys. Chem. C
- 01 Jun., 2019 H. Sakamoto et al., “Development of Biofuel Cell Using a Complex of Highly Oriented Immobilized His-Tagged Enzyme and Carbon Nanotube Surface Through a Pyrene Derivative” has been ppublished in J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol.
- 08 Apr., 2019 New members have joined our group.
- 04-08 Mar., 2019 T. Fukuma gave an invited talk at APS March Meeting 2019 (Boston, USA).
- 7 Feb., 2019 T. Fukuma was awarded the 15th Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Prize.
- 19 Nov., 2018 T. Fukuma oral Presentation in The 2st NanoLSI International Symposium(London, UK).
- 13 Nov., 2018 T. Fukuma et al.,“Atomic- and Molecular-Resolution Mapping of Solid−Liquid Interfaces by 3D Atomic Force Microscopy”has been published in ACSNano.
- 3-7 Nov., 2018 T. Fukuma invited talk in International Symposium & School on Crystal Growth Fundamentals (Sendai, Japan).
- 21-25 Oct., 2018 K. Miyata, K. Hirata oral Presentation in ACSIN14 & ICSPM26(Sendai, Japan).
- 3 Oct., 2018 H. Asakawa et al., “Direct Imaging of Atomic-Scale Surface Structures of Brookite TiO2 Nanoparticles by Frequency Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy in Liquid” has been published in J. Phys. Chem. C.
- 2 Oct., 2018 The research results of our laboratory were reported.
- 17-21 Sep., 2018 K. Miyazawa(D3), K. Hirata(D1) Poster Presentation in The 21th International Conference on non-contact Atomic Force Microscopy(NC-AFM2018)(Porvoo, Finland)
- 12 Sep., 2018 M. Morimoto et al., “Visualization of catalytic edge reactivity in electrochemical CO2 reduction on porous Zn electrode”has been published in Electrochimica Acta.
- 22 Aug., 2018 CW Yang et al., “Direct comparison between subnanometer hydration structures on hydrophilic and hydrophobic surfaces via three-dimensional scanning force microscopy” has been published in Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys.
- 19–24 Aug., 2018 T. Sumikama Poster Preseintation in Genome Biophysics : Integrating Genomics and Biophysics to Understand Structural and Functional Aspects of Genomes(Santa Cruz, California)
- 15-16 Aug. 2018 T. Fukuma invited talk in Molecular Foundry User Meeting 2018(Berkeley, USA)
- 29 Jul. - 3 Aug. 2018 T. Fukuma invited talk in Gordon Research Conference on Biomineralization(New London, USA)
- 09 Jul. 2018 K. Hirata et al., “Visualizing charges accumulated in an electric double layer by three-dimensional open-loop electric potential microscopy” has been published in Nanoscale.
- 11-15 June, 2018 T. Fukuma invited talk in the MAINZ Summer School: Investigating Solid-Liquid Interfaces(Mainz, Germany)
- 24 Apr. 2018 N. Kobayashi et al.,“Self-Assembling Supramolecular Nanostructures Constructed from de Novo Extender Protein Nanobuilding Blocks” has been published in ACS Synth. Biol.
- 16 May 2018 T. Fukuma invited talk in the 1st Ebara Open Innovation International Symposium on CMP(Fujisawa, Japan)
- 8-11 May 2018 T. Fukuma invited talk in the 20th International Scanning Probe Microscopy Conference(Tempe, USA)
- 10 Apr. 2018 New members have joined our group
- 13 Mar. 2018 H. Söngen et al.,“Resolving Point Defects in the Hydration Structure of Calcite (10.4) with Three-Dimensional Atomic Force Microscopy” has been published in Phys. Rev. Lett.
- 21-22 Feb. 2018 T. Fukuma : Talk, K. Miyazawa : Poster Presentation in the 1st NanoLSI International Symposium(Tokyo, Japan)
- 2-5 Feb. 2018 T. Fukuma invited talk in XX. Annual Linz Winter Workshop(Linz, Austria)
- 18 Jan. 2018 Y. Zhou et al.,“Nanoscale Imaging of Primary Cilia with Scanning Ion Conductance Microscopy” has been published in Anal. Chem.
- 29 Nov. 2017 T. Fukuma invited talk in MRS Fall Meeting 2017(Boston, USA)
- 26 Nov. - 1 Dec. 2017 K. Miyata, Y. Miyazawa : Oral, K. Hitara: Poster Presentation in 2017 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit.(Boston, U.S.A)
- 8-10 Nov. 2017 T. Fukuma, Y.Takahashi, K. Miyata: Oral Presentation, Y. Zhou, Y. Miyazawa, T. Igarashi, Y. Kawagoe, K. Takeuchi, N. Nakajima, K. Hirata, F. Komatsu, D. Taniguchi, K. Nakayama, T. Miyamoto, T. Yamashita, T. Ando, H. Higashi: Poster Presentation in International Symposium on Atomic Force Microscopy at Solid-Liquid Interfaces.(Kanazawa, Japan)
- 16 Oct. 2017 H. Asakawa et al.,“Self-assembled monolayers of sulfonateterminated alkanethiols investigated by frequency modulation atomic force microscopy in liquid”has been published in Nanotechnology.
- 25-29 Sep. 2017 K. Miyata : Oral , K. Miyazawa :Oral and Poster Presentation in 20th International Conference on non-contact Atomic Force Microscopy(NC-AFM2017)
- 5 Sep. 2017 E. Holmstrom et al.,“Hydration Structure of Brookite TiO2 (210)”has been published in J. Phys. Chem. C
- 28 Jun. 2017 Y. Saga et al., “Reversible Changes in the Structural Features of Photosynthetic Light-Harvesting Complex 2 by Removal and Reconstitution of B800 Bacteriochlorophyll a Pigments”has been published in Biochemistry
- 26 Jun. 2017 K. Miyata et al.,“Dissolution Processes at Step Edges of Calcite in Water Investigated by High-Speed Frequency Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy and Simulation”has been published in NANO LETTERS
- 25-30 Jun. 2017 T. Fukuma invited talk in Gordon Research Conference - Crystal Growth and Assembly(Biddeford, USA)
- 20-22 Jun. 2017 K. Miyazawa Oral Presentation in Japan-Finland Research Exchange Meeting: Probing Solid-liquid Interface at the Atomic Scale Aalto University (Helsinki, Finland)
- 9 Jun. 2017 T. Murayama et al., “Loosening of Lipid Packing Promotes Oligoarginine Entry into Cells”has been published in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.
- 23 May 2017 K. Miyazawa et al, “Influence of ions on two-dimensional and three-dimensional atomic force microscopy at fluorite–water interfaces”has been published in Nanotechnology
- 12 Apr. 2017 New under graduate students have joined our group
- 16 Jan. 2017 T. Fukuma Invited talk in The First Tufts University – Kanazawa University Joint Symposium on Structure and Function of Molecules, Tissues, and Organisms(Boston, U.S.A)
- 14-17 Dec. 2016 K. Miyata : Oral , K. Miyazawa :Oral and Poster Presentation in 24nd International Colloquium on Scanning Probe Microscopy (ICSPM24)(Honolulu, U.S.A)
- 8-11 Nov. 2016 K. Miyazawa Oral Presentation in 29th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference(MNC2016)(Kyoto, Japan)
- 13 Oct. 2016 N. Inada was awarded AsiaNANO 2016 NPG Asia Materials Poster Awards
- 10-13 Oct. 2016 N. Inada Oral Presentation in AsiaNANO 2016(Sapporo, Japan)
- 3-6 Oct. 2016 T. Fukuma invited talk in 4th kanazawa Bio-AFM Workshop(Kanazawa, Japan)
- 9 Sep. 2016 J. Tracey et al, “Understanding 2D atomic resolution imaging of the calcite surface in water by frequency modulation atomic force microscopy” has been published in Nanotechnology.
- 7-12 Aug. 2016 T. Fukuma : Invited talk in The 18th International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy(Nagoya, Japan)
- 25-29 Jul. 2016 T. Fukuma, K. Miyata : Oral, K. Miyata, N. Inada, K. Miyazawa : Poster Presentation in NC-AFM2016(Nottingham, UK)
- 28 Apr. 2016 T. Fukuma:Invited talk, Y. Takahashi, K. Miyata, N. Inada, K. Miyazawa, T. Igarashi, T. Okamoto, N. Nakajima: Poster Presentation in Japan-Finland Research Exchange Meeting:Experiments and Theory of Liquid-Environment Scanning Probe Microscopy(Kanazawa, Japan)
- 15 Apr. 2016 New under graduate students have joined our group
- 1 Apr. 2016 T. Fukuma invited talk in Symposium Solid-Liquid Interfaces(Madrid, Spain)
- 29 Mar. 2016 K. Amano et al., “Number density distribution of solvent molecules on a substrate: a transform theory for atomic force microscopy”has been published in PCCP.
- 8 Mar. 2016 N. Inada et al.,“Efficiency improvement in the cantilever photothermal excitation method using a photothermal conversion layer”has been published in Beilstein J. Nanotechnol.
- 4 Mar. 2016 K. Miyazawa et al.,“A relationship between three-dimensional surface hydration structures and force distribution measured by atomic force microscopy”has been published in Nanoscale.
- 26 Jan. 2016 K. Honbo et al.,“Visualizing Nanoscale Distribution of Corrosion Cells by Open-Loop Electric Potential Microscopy”has been published in ACS Nano.
- 13 Jan. 2016 S. Ogata et al., “Nanoscale corrosion behavior of polycrystalline copper fine wires indilute NaCl solution investigated by in-situ atomic force microscopy”has been published in Corrosion Science.
- 15-20 Dec. 2015 H. Asakawa, N. Inada : Oral Presentation in THE INTERNATIONAL CHEMICAL CONGRESS OF PACIFIC BASIN SOCIETIES 2015(Hawaii, U.S.A)
- 10-12 Dec. 2015 K. Miyata, K. Miyazawa : Poster Presentation in 23nd International Colloquium on Scanning Probe Microscopy (ICSPM23)(Niseko, Japan)
- 5 Nov. 2015 R. Yamasaki et al., “Structural and Electrochemical Properties of Self-organized HFBI Membranes on Different Types of Substrates” has been published in Electrochemistry.
- 9 Oct. 2015 T. Fukuma et al.,“Mechanism of atomic force microscopy imaging of three-dimensional hydration structures at a solid-liquid interface”has been published in Phys. Rev. B.
- 14-17 Sep. 2015 T. Fukuma invited talk in Joint ACRITAS & MAINZ Summer School, Investigating the Solid-Liquid Interface(Mainz, Germany)
- 7-11 Sep. 2015 T. Fukuma, H. Asakawa : Oral, K. Miyata, N. Inada , K. Miyazawa : Poster Presentation in NC-AFM2015(Cassis, France)
- 13 Jul. 2015 K. Miyata et al., “Improvements in fundamental performance of liquid-environment atomic force microscopy with true atomic resolution” has been published in Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.
- 9-11Jun. 2015 T. Fukuma invited talk in Atomic structure of nanosystems from first-principles simulations and microscopy experiments (AS-SIMEX 2015)(Helsinki, Finland/ Stockholm, Sweden)
- 8 Jun. 2015 T. Fukuma invited talk in Tutorial on Microscopy Techniques(Helsinki, Finland)
- 17 Apr. 2015 New under graduate students have joined our group
- Feb. 2014 K Miyazawa et al.,“Fabrication of electron beam deposited tip for atomic-scale atomic force microscopy in liquid” has been published in Nanotechnology.
- Dec. 2014 S M R Akrami et al.,“High-speed Z tip scanner with screw cantilever holding mechanism for atomic-resolution atomic force microscopy in liquid” has been published in Rev. Sci. Instrum.
- Dec. 2014 K. Miyata, N. Inada : Oral, K. Miyazawa , K. Takao : Poster Presentation in 22nd International Colloquium on Scanning Probe Microscopy (ICSPM22)(Atagawa, Japan)
- Dec. 2014 R.Yamasaki et al., “Electrochemical properties of honeycomb-like structured HFBI self-organized membranes on HOPG electrodes”has been published in Colloids and Surfaces B
- 20 Oct. 2014 S M R Akrami et al.,“Significant improvements in stability and reproducibility of atomic-scale atomic force microscopy in liquid”has been published in Nanoscale
- 4-8 Aug. 2014 T. Fukuma, H. Asakawa, K. Miyata : Oral, S.M.R. Akrami , N. Inada , K. Miyazawa , K. Takao : Poster Presentation in NC-AFM2014(Tsukuba, Japan)
- 14-18 Jul. 2014 T. Fukuma invited talk in XXI International Summer School "Nicolas Cabrera"
- 10 Jul. 2014 N. Inada et al.,“ Molecular-scale surface structures of oligo(ethylene glycol)-terminated self-assembled monolayers investigated by frequency modulation atomic force microscopy in aqueous solution” has been published in Nanoscale
- 16 Apr. 2014 New under graduate students have joined our group
- 9 Mar. 2014 S. M. R. Akrami was awarded One of the best top ten posters of the conference 5th International Conference on NanoStructures (ICNS)
- 6-9 Mar. 2014 S. M. R. Akrami, K. Miyata, H. Asakawa, T. Fukuma: Poster Presentation in 5th International Conference on NanoStructures (ICNS)(Kish Island, Iran)
- 17 Feb. 2014 Mariko Toyoda started her Research
- 10 Feb. 2014 H. Sakamoto et al., “Atomic force microscopy visualization of hard segment alignment in stretched polyurethane nanofibers prepared by electrospinning ” has been published Sci. Technol. Adv. Mater.
- 13 Dec. 2013 K. Amano et al.,“The relationship between local liquid density and force applied on a tip of atomic force microscope: A theoretical analysis for simple liquids” has been published J.Chem. Phys.
- 1-6 Dec. 2013 T. Fukuma, H. Asakawa, N. Kobayashi: Oral Presentation in2013 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit (Boston, U.S.A)
- 11 Nov. 2013 K. Miyata et al., “Real-time atomic-resolution imaging of crystal growth process in water by phase modulation atomic force microscopy at one frame per second” has been published Appl. Phys. Lett.
- 4-8 Nov. 2013 S. M. R. Akrami, K. Honbo, K. Miyata: Oral Presentation in ACSIN-12 & ICSPM21(Tsukuba, Japan)
- 24 Oct. 2013 N. Kobayashi et al.,“Atomic-Scale Processes at the Fluorite−Water Interface Visualized by Frequency Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy” has been publised J. Phys. Chem. C.
- 17 Oct. 2013 H. Asakawa et al., “Closed Fluid Cell with Liquid-Sealing Mechanism for Stable and Flexible Operation of Liquid-Environment Atomic Force Microscopy” has been published in Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.
- 26 Sep. 2013 Review article "Atomic-Resolution Frequency Modulation"has been published in Chap. 13(pp.237-252) of "Fundamentals of Picoscience"
- 5-9 Aug. 2013 T. Fukuma, H, Asakawa : Oral, N. Kobayashiand, K. Miyata, N. Inada : Poster Presentation in NC-AFM2013(Maryland, USA)
- Jul. 2013 H. Asakawa was awarded Nano-probe Technology Incentive Award Japan Society for the Promotion of Science 167th Committee on Nano-probe Technology
- Jun. 2013 Review article "Molecular-Resolution FM-AFM Imaging of Biological Systems"has been published in Chap. 18(pp. 681-712) of "Nanoscale Liquid Interfaces"
- 3 Apr. 2013 K. Miyata et al., “Separate-type scanner and wideband high-voltage amplifier for atomic-resolution and high-speed atomic force microscopy” has been published in Rev. Sci. Instrum.
- 19 Apr. 2013 New under graduate students have joined our group
- Apr. 2013 E. T. Herruzo et al., “Three-dimensional quantitative force maps in liquid with 10 piconewton, angstrom and sub-minute resolutions”has been published in Nanoscale
- 9 Feb. 2013 H. Asakawa invited talk in Catalysis Research Center(CRC) International Symposium, New Challenges on the Bio-interfaces: Structures and Dynamics
- 18 Jan. 2013 T. Fukuma invited talk in 7th Japanese-French Frontiers of Science Symposium
- 17-19 Dec. 2012 H. Asakawa: Oral Presentation, N Inada, K. Miyata : Poster Presentation in ICSPM20(Naha, Japan)
- 27 Nov. 2012 T. Fukuma invited talk in MRS Fall Meeting 2012
- 12 Nov. 2012 T. Fukuma invited talk in ISAWST-1
- 8 Nov. 2012 T. Fukuma invited talk in 3rd Kanazawa Bio-AFM Workshop
- 25 Sep. 2012 H. Asakawa et al., "Spatial Distribution of Lipid Headgroups and Water Molecules at Membrane/Water Interfaces Visualized by Three-Dimensional Scanning Force Microscopy" has been published in ACS NANO
- 13 Aug. 2012 T. Fukuma invited talk in IMRC-2012(Cancun, Mexico)
- 1-5 Jul. 2012 T. Fukuma, N. Kobayashi : Oral and Poster Presentation in NC-AFM2012(Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic)
- Jun. 2012 Review article "atomic force microscope ; AFM" has been published in Chap. 2 (pp. 88-91) of "Encyclopedia of Advanced Biomaterials(NTS)".
- 10 May. 2012 T. Fukuma invited talk in ICMEE2012
- 23 Apr. 2012 New under graduate students have joined our group
- 19 Apr. 2012 T. Fukuma invited talk in Fundamental Aspects of Friction and Lubrication
- 30 Mar. 2012 N. Kobayashi et al., “Dual frequency open-loop electric potential microscopy for local potential measurements in electrolyte solution with high ionic strength” has been published in Rev. Sci. Instrum.
- 16 Mar. 2012 T. Fukuma et al., “Atomic-resolution imaging in liquid by frequency modulation atomic force microscopy using small cantilevers with megahertz-order resonance frequencies” has been published in Nanotechnology.
- 19 Dec. 2011 K. Onishi, S. Yoshioka, K. Miyata : Poster Presentation in ICSPM19(Toyako, Japan)
- 28 Nov. 2011 N. Kobayashi: Oral Presentation in MRS 2011 FALL MEETING(Boston, U.S.A)
- 06 Oct. 2011 New research student have joined our group
- 18 Sep. 2011 H. Asakawa, N. Kobayashi : Oral and Poster Presentation in NC-AFM2011(Lindau, Germany)
- 07 Sep. 2011 H. Asakawa et al.,“Submolecular-Scale Imaging of α-Helices and C-Terminal Domains of Tubulins by Frequency Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy in Liquid” has been published in J. Appl. Phys.
- 25 Aug. 2011 N. Kobayashi et al.,“Quantitative potential measurements of nanoparticles with different surface charges in liquid by open-loop electric potential microscopy” has been published in J. Appl. Phys.
- 20 Jul. 2011 T. Fukuma et al., “Wideband phase-locked loop circuit with real-time phase correctionfor frequency modulation atomic force microscopy”has been published in Rev. Sci. Instrum.
- 08 Jul. 2011 T. Fukuma invited talk in 2011 Korea Japan Symposium on Molecular Science.
- 07 Jul. 2011 An article on T. Fukuma's talk appeared in Zurich Instruments News Letter (Q2/2011).
- 12 Apr. 2011 An article on T. Fukuma's talk appeared in the Hokuriku Chuunichi Shimbun(newspaper) and the Hokkoku Shimbun(newspaper).
- 11 Apr. 2011 T. Fukuma was awarded The Young Scientists’ Prize The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
- 02 Feb. 2011 A. Iwanaga et al., and Fukuma “Ordered nano-structure of a stamped self-organized protein layer on a HOPG surface using a HFB carrier”has been published in Colloid Surface B.
- 29 Dec. 2010 Kobayashi et al., “Nanoscale potential measurements in liquid by frequency modulation atomic force microscopy” has been published in Rev. Sci. Instrum.
- 09 Dec. 2010 N. Kobayashi : Oral Presentation, K. Onishi, K. Miyata : Poster Presentation in ICSPM18(Atagawa, Japan)
- 08 Dec. 2010 An article on H. Asakawa's talk appeared in the Kanazawa Keizai Shinbun (newspaper).
- 05 Dec. 2010 An article on H. Asakawa's talk appeared in the Hokkoku Shinbun (newspaper).
- 27 Nov. 2010 T. Fukuma invited talk in Miniworkshop on Aqueous Interfaces in Physics, Chemistry and Biology(Taipei, Taiwan)
- 26 Nov. 2010 T. Fukuma seminar in Academia Sinica(Taipei, Taiwan)
- 25 Oct. 2010 T. Fukuma invited talk in BIT's 1st Annual Congress of Nanomedicine 2010(Beijing, China)
- 12 Oct. 2010 T. Fukuma seminar in INSERM (Montpellier,France)
- 01 Oct. 2010 Hitoshi Asakawa was promoted to assistant professor.
- 08 Sep. 2010 T. Fukuma, "Water distribution at solid/liquid interfaces visualized by frequency modulation atomic force microscopy" has been published in Sci. Technol. Adv. Mater.
- 04 Aug. 2010 T. Fukuma invited talk in 167 Committee Satellite Workshop on SPM (Kanazawa, Japan)
- 01 Aug. 2010 T. Fukuma, H. Asakawa, S. Yoshioka: Oral and Poster Presentation in NC-AFM2010(Kanazawa, Japan)
- 07 Jun. 2010 N. Satoh et al., and Fukuma "Near-field light detection by conservative and dissipative force modulation methods using a piezoelectric cantilever" has been published in Appl. Phys. Lett.
- 23 Apr. 2010 New under graduate students have joined our group
- 01 Apr. 2010 Naritaka Kobayashi started his post doctoral researcher position
- 04 Mar. 2010 The paper written by Prof. Fukuma has been reviewed in Nature Vol. 464, pp.38-39.
- 29 Jan. 2010 T. Ichii et al., and Fukuma "Submolecular-scale Investigations on metal-phthalocyanine monolayers by frequency modulation atomic force microscopy" has been publishe in J. Appl. Phys.
- 15 Jan. 2010 T. Fukuma was awarded 19th MRS-J Academic Symposium Incentive Award
- 06 Jan. 2010 Fukuma et al.,"Atomic-Scale Distribution of Water Molecules at the Mica-Water Interface Visualized by Three-Dimensional Scanning Force Microscopy" has been published in Phys. Rev. Lett.
- 10 Dec. 2009 H. Asakawa: Oral Presentation, K. Nishimura, S. Yoshioka : Poster Presentation in ICSPM17(Atagawa, Japan)
- 07 Dec. 2009 T. Fukuma invited talk in 19th Academic Symposium of MRS-Japan 2009(Yokohama, Japan)
- 01 Dec. 2009 T. Fukuma invited talk in MRS fall meeting 2009(Boston, USA)
- Dec. 2009 Review article "Biological Applications of FM-AFM in Liquid Environment" has been published in Chap. 16 (pp. 329-345) of "Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy(Springer)".
- 16 Oct. 2009 Asakawa et al., " Spurious-free cantilever excitation in liquid by piezoactuator with flexure drive mechanism," Rev. Sci. Instrum. 80,103703 (2009), has been selected for VirtualJournal of Nanoscale Science & Technology.
- 15 Oct. 2009 T. Fukuma : Oral Presentation in Hydrogen and Water in Condensed Matter Physics,ISSP-11, International Symposium 2009(Kashiwa, Japan)
- 02 Oct. 2009 H. Asakawa et al., "Spurious-free cantilever excitation in liquid by piezoactuator with flexure drive mechanism" has been published in Rev. Sci. Instrum.
- 14 Sep. 2009 Mitani et al., " Wideband digital frequency detector with subtraction-based phase comparator for frequency modulation atomic force microscopy" Rev. Sci. Instrum.
- 80, 083705 (2009), has been selected for VirtualJournal of Nanoscale Science & Technology.
- 11 Sep. 2009 H. Yamada et al., and Fukuma "Molecular Resolution Imaging of Protein Molecules in Liquid Using Frequency Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy" has been publishe in Appl. Phys. Express.
- 10 Sep. 2009 Prof. Fukuma has been selected for “the 2010 Edition of Who’s Who in the World”.
- 31 Aug. 2009 Y. Mitani et al., "Wideband digital frequency detector with subtraction-based phase comparator for frequency modulation atomic force microscopy" has been published in Rev. Sci. Instrum.
- 25 Aug. 2009 H. Asakawa: Application for Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (Start-up) from Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)as been accepted
- 20 Aug. 2009 T. Fukuma,"Subnanometer-Resolution Frequency Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy in Liquid for Biological Applications" has been published in J. Appl. Phys.
- 11 Aug. 2009 T. Fukuma, H. Asakawa: Oral and Poster Presentation in NC-AFM2009(New Haven, U.S.A)
- 10 Jan. 2009 H. Asakawa et al., "The molecular-scale arrangement and mechanical strength of phospholipid/cholesterol mixed bilayers investigated by frequency modulation atomic force microscopy in liquid"has been published in Nanotechnology.
- 02 Jan. 2009 T. Fukuma: Research proposal for Grant for Young Scientists, Industrial Technology Research Program (FY2009) has been adopted.
- 01 May. 2009 Fukuma laboratory's website has been moved
- 30 Apr. 2009 T. Fukuma: Application for Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (A) from Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)has been accepted
- 17 Apr. 2009 New under graduate students have joined our group
- 09 Mar. 2009 T. Fukuma: "Wideband low-noise optical beam deflection sensor with photothermal excitation for liquid-environment atomic force microscopy," Rev. Sci. Instrum. 80, 023707 (2009), has been selected for Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology.
- 01 Mar. 2009 T.Fukuma:Poster Presentation in Biophysical Society 53rd Annual Meeting(Boston,U.S.A)
- 24 Feb. 2009 T.Fukuma:"Wideband low-noise optical beam deflection sensor with photothermalexcitation for liquid-environment atomic force microscopy" has been published in Rev. Sci. Instrum..
- 06 Feb. 2009 T.Fukuma Invited Talk in The XI Linz Winter Workshop 2009(Linz, Austria)
- 02 Feb. 2009 Patent application "Scanning probemicroscopy" has been submitted
- 20 Jan. 2009 T. Fukuma:"Instrumentation and Biological Applications of High-Resolution Frequency Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy in Liquid" has been published in J. Nano Res.
- 11 Dec. 2008 T. Fukuma: Invited Talk, Y. Mitani, Y. Ueda: Poster Presentation in ICSPM16(Atagawa, Japan)
- 04 Dec. 2008 T. Fukuma was awarded The 4th Incentive Award for Young Scientist Biophysical Society of Japan
- 27 Oct. 2008 T. Fukuma et al., "High-speed atomic force microscopy for nano-visualization of dynamic biomolecular processes" has been published in Prog. Surf. Sci.
- 10 Oct. 2008 T.Fukuma: Seminar in JAIST Hokuriku(Nomi,Japan)
- 16 Sep. 2008 T. Fukuma: Oral Presentation, H. Asakawa: PosterPresentation in NC-AFM2008(Madrid, Spain)
- 01 Sep.2008 Nanonis Application Note describing the work doneby Prof. Fukuma has been published online.
- 28 Aug.2008 Patent application "Scanning probemicroscopy" has been submitted
- 19 Aug.2008 T. Fukuma et al., "Revealing molecular-level surface structure of amyloid fibrils in liquid by means of frequency modulation atomic force microscopy" has been published in Nanotechnology.
- 19 Jun.2008 T. Fukuma et al., "High resonance frequency force microscope scanner using inertia balance support" has been published in Appl. Phys. Lett.
- 12 Jun.2008 Grant Application for "Research for Promoting Technological Seeds" from Japan Science and Technology Agency has been accepted.
- 04 Jun. 2008 Patent application "Scanning Device for scanning probemicroscopes" has been submitted.
- Apr.2008 The faculty and the postgraduate joined the member.
- 01 Apr.2008 Hitoshi Asakawa started his post doctoral researcher position
- 04 Mar.2008 Takeshi Fukuma was awarded Takagi Prize 2007
- 25 Feb.2008 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
- Jan.2008 Review article "Frequency Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy in Liquids" has been published in Chap. 9 (pp. 315-350) of "Applied Scanning Probe Methods VIII - Scanning Probe Microscopy Techniques (Springer)".
- 31 Oct.2007 Oral presentation in ALC2007 (Kanazawa,Japan)
- 05 Oct. 2007 Application for Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (Start-up) from Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) has been accepted
- 17 Sep. 2007 Oral presentation in NCAFM2007 (Antalya,Turkey)
- 17 Sep. 2007 Poseter presentation in NCAFM2007 (Antalya,Turkey)
- 30 Aug. 2007 Grant Application for Basic Research Programs (PRESTO type) from Japan Science and Technology Agency has been accepted
- 10 Aug. 2007 Homepage β version uploaded
- 01 Aug. 2007 Misao Miyazaki started her technical assistant position
- 10 Jul. 2007 Seminar in INSERM (Montpellier,France)
- 02 Jul. 2007 Oral presentation in ICN+T2007 (Stockholm,Sweden)
- 01 Jul. 2007 Poseter presentation in ICN+T2007 (Stockholm,Sweden)
- 01 May. 2007 Takeshi Fukuma started his associate professor position(Fukuma laboratory started)