Invited Talk


  1. Keisuke Miyazawa, “Visualizing Inhomogeneous Molecular Adsorption Structures of Lubricant Layer on a Magnetic Hard Disk by 3D-AFM”, ISMMF-1, Feb. 1-2, 2025 (Sendai, Japan)
  2. Takeshi Fukuma, "Nanoscale Measurements of Dynamics and Mechanics inside Living Cells by Nanoendoscopy AFM," XXIV Annual Linz Winter Workshop, 31. Jan. - 3. Feb., 2025 (Linz, Austria)
  3. Takeshi Fukuma, " Development of Nanoendoscopy AFM & Bio-SPM Collaborations", 23rd NanoLSI Colloquium, Jan. 9, 2025 (Kanazawa, Japan)


  1. Takeshi Fukuma, " Intra-Cellular Measurements of Nanodynamics and Nanomechanics by Nanoendoscopy AFM," MRS Fall Meeting 2024, Dec. 1-6, 2024 (Boston, USA)
  2. Takeshi Fukuma, "Visualizing Nanoscale Dynamics and Mechanics in Living Cells by Nanoendoscopy AFM," The 8th NanoLSI International Symposium, Nov. 27-28, 2024 (Okinawa, Japan)
  3. 【Keynote presentation】Takeshi Fukuma, "Measurements of Nanoscale Dynamics and Mechanics in Living Cells by Nanoendoscopy AFM", The second International Symposium of Nano Life Science: Nano Biotechnology, Biophysics, Computation (NanoBioCoM2024), Sep. 25-27, 2024 (Qui Nhon, Vietnam)
  4. Takeshi Fukuma, "Visualizing EDL Structures and EC Reaction Distributions by Open-Loop Electric Potential Microscopy," 75th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Aug. 18-23, 2024 (Montreal, Canada)
  5. Takeshi Fukuma, "Exploring Nanoworlds by Innovative Nanoprobe Technology," iCeMS Retreat 2024, Jul. 4-5, 2024 (Kobe, Japan)
  6. Keisuke Miyazawa, Takeshi Fukuma, "Nanoscale analysis of microbial cell walls using AFM," IUPAB2024, June. 24 - 28, 2024 (Kyoto, Japan)
  7. Takeshi Fukuma, " Visualizing Nanoscale Dynamics and Mechanics in Living Cells by Nanoendoscopy AFM", International Union for Pure and Applied Biophysics (IUPAB) 2024, Jun. 24-28, 2024 (Kyoto, Japan)
  8. Takeshi Fukuma, "Difficulties in Developing Hardware, Software and Firmware of In-Liquid High-Speed FM-AFM", OpenSPM Conference 2024, Apr. 22-24, 2024 (Lausanne, Switzerland)
  9. 【Keynote presentation】Takeshi Fukuma, "Biomaterial Interfaces and Intracellular Phenomena Investigated by 3D Atomic Force Microscopy", Nano in Bio 2024, Apr. 14-20, 2024 (Guadeloupe, France)


  1. Takeshi Fukuma, "Subnanoscale Imaging of Nano-Bio Interfaces by 2D- and 3D-AFM Imaging Techniques," 2023 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Nov. 26 - Dec. 1,2023 (Boston, USA)
  2. 【Keynote presentation】Takeshi Fukuma, "Visualizing EDL Structures and Chemical Reactions by Open-Loop Electric Potential Microscopy," Operando SPM 2023, Nov. 15-16,2023 (Berlin, Germany)
  3. Takeshi Fukuma, "Atomic Force Microscopy Technique for Visualizing the Inside of Living Cells", The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association, Sep. 21-23, 2023 (Yokohama, Japan)
  4. Takeshi Fukuma, "Molecular Ordering and Electrochemical Reactions at Solid-Liquid Interfaces Investigated by Atomic Force Microscopy", The 20th International Microscopy Congress (IMC20), Sep. 10-15, 2023 (Busan, Korea)
  5. Takeshi Fukuma, " AFM Study on the Hydration of PVA Brush Surface and Its Impact on the Interaction with Abrasive Nanoparticles", 25th International Symposium on Chemical-Mechanical Planarization (CMP), Aug. 6-9, 2023 (Lake Placid, USA)
  6. 【Keynote presentation】Takeshi Fukuma, "Visualizing Inside of 3D Self-Organizing Systems by 3D-AFM", 9th Multifrequency AFM Conference, Jun. 14-16, 2023 (Madrid, Spain)
  7. 【Keynote presentation】Takeshi Fukuma, " Visualizing Inside of 3D Self-Organizing Systems by 3D-AFM", The 9th International Symposium on Organic and Inorganic Electronic Materials and Related Nanotechnologies (EM-NANO 2023), Jun. 5-8, 2023 (Kanazawa, Japan)
  8. ※Keisuke Miyazawa, Takeshi Fukuma, “Intracellular live imaging of organelle structures and mechanical properties by nanoendoscopy using AFM”, The 100th Anniversary Annual Meeting of The Physiological Society of Japan, Mar. 14-16, 2023 (Kyoto, Japan)  
  9. ※Keisuke Miyazawa, “Super-resolution atomic force microscopy for measurements of surface and internal structures and physical properties of biological samples”, NIG Biological Symposium, Feb. 6, 2023 (Mishima, Japan)


  1. ※Takeshi Fukuma, "Visualizing Inside of 3D Self-Organizing Systems by 3D Atomic Force Microscopy" , 2022 JAIST International Symposium of Nanomaterials and Devices Research Area, Dec. 14, 2022 (Nomi, Japan " Online)
  2. ※Takeshi Fukuma, "Intracellular Structures and Mechanics of Living Cells Investigated by Nanoendoscopy-AFM", 6th NanoLSI International Symposium, Nov. 14-15, 2022 (Kanazawa, Japan & Online)    
  3. ※Takeshi Fukuma, "FM- & 3D-AFM Techniques for In-Liquid Nanoscience Research", NanoLSI Technology Showcase, Oct. 6, 2022 (Kanazawa, Japan)    
  4. ※Takeshi Fukuma, " Introduction to Research Activities at Nano Life Science Institute (WPI-NanoLSI)", The Computational Biophysics of Atomic Force Microscopy, Sep. 21, 2022 (Kanazawa, Japan & Online)
  5. ※Keisuke Miyazawa, "Measurement of surface and internal structures and physical properties of biological samples by super-resolution atomic force microscopy", RIKEN CSRS Seminar, Jul. 20, 2022 (Yokohama, Japan)
  6. ※Takeshi Fukuma, "Nanoendoscopy AFM for visualizing nanodynamics and nanomechanics inside living cells", Engineering Mechanics of Cell & Tissue Morphogenesis, Jun. 4, 2022 (Kanazawa, Japan & Online)
  7. ※Keisuke Miyazawa, “Development of nanoendoscopy-AFM for visualizing intracellular nanostructures of living cells”, IEEE-NEMS2022, Apr. 14-17, 2022 (Online, hosted by IEEE, USA)
  8. ※Takeshi Fukuma, Kazuki Miyata, Yuta Kawagoe, Naoyuki Miyashita, Tomoki Nakagawa, "Atomic-scale structures and dynamics at the growing calcite step edges investigated by high-speed frequency modulation atomic force microscopy", Faraday Discussion - Understanding Crystallization, Mar. 28-30, 2022 (Online and York, UK)
  9. ※Takeshi Fukuma, "Visualizing Unexplored Nanoworld by Innovative In-liquid AFM Technologies", The 99th CEMS Colloquium, Mar. 23, 2022 (Online and Wako, Japan)
  10. ※Takeshi Fukuma, "Visualizing Intracellular Nanostructures of Living Cells by Nanoendoscopy-AFM", 5th NanoLSI International Symposium, Mar. 1-2, 2022 (Online and Kanazawa, Japan)


  1. ※Takeshi Fukuma, "Visualizing Inside of 3D Self-Organizing Systems by 3D-AFM", AVS 67 Virtual Symposium, Oct. 25-28, 2021 (Online, hosted by AVS, USA).
  2. ※Takeshi Fukuma, " Visualizing Nanoscale Distribution of Corrosion Reactions at Aluminum Alloy – Electrolyte Interfaces by Open-Loop Electric Potential Microscopy ", NanoGe Fall Meeting 2021, Oct. 18-22, 2021 (Online, hosted by Fundació Scito, Valencia, Spain).
  3. ※Takeshi Fukuma, "Inhibition of Nanoparticle Adhesion to PVA Brush Surfaces by Ammonia-Mediated Hydration", The 2021 CAMP CMP Symposium, Aug. 16 - 19, 2021 (Online, hosted by Clarkson Univ., USA)
  4. ※Takeshi Fukuma, " Visualizing Inside of 3D Self-Organizing Systems by 3D-AFM", The 2021 I(SPM)3 Conference, Jun. 28 - Jul. 2, 2021 (Online, hosted by NIST, USA)


  1. ※Takeshi Fukuma, " Visualizing Inside of 3D Self-Organizing Systems by 3D-AFM", The Virtual Symposium on Scanning Probe Microscopy: Current Status and Future Trends, Nov. 9-10, 2020 (Online, hosted by Peking University, China & Ewha Womans University, Korea)    
  2. ※Takeshi Fukuma, " Visualizing Inside of 3D Self-Organizing Systems by 3D-AFM”, Virtual RMS AFM & SPM Meeting, November 3-4, 2020 (Online, hosted by The University of Sheffield, UK)    
  3. ※Takeshi Fukuma, " Visualizing Inside of 3D Self-Organizing Systems by 3D-AFM”, The 8th Multifrequency Conference, October 27-30, 2020 (Online, hosted by The Institute of Materials Science in Madrid, Spain)


  1. ※Takeshi Fukuma, “Three-dimensional AFM imaging of hydration and flexible surface structures at solid-liquid interfaces”, APS March Meeting 2019, March 4-8, 2019, (Boston, USA)


  1. ※T. Fukuma, "Visualizing atomic-scale structures and dynamics at solid-liquid interfaces by high-speed frequency modulation AFM", International Symposium & School on Crystal Growth Fundamentals, November 3-7, 2018, Sendai,Japan
  2. ※T. Fukuma, "Visualizing Subnanometer-Scale Structures and Dynamics at Solid-Liquid Interfaces by Frequency Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy", Molecular Foundry User Meeting 2018, August 15-16, 2018 Berkeley, USA
  3. ※T. Fukuma, "Visualizing Calcite Growth and Dissolution Processes by High-Speed FM-AFM", Gordon Research Conference on Biomineralization, July 29 - August 3, 2018, New London, USA
  4. ※T. Fukuma, "FM-AFM in Liquids", MAINZ Summer School: Investigating Solid-Liquid Interfaces, 11-15 June, 2018, Mainz, Germany
  5. ※T. Fukuma, "Visualizing Nanoscale Distribution of Corrosion Cells by Open-Loop Electric Potential Microscopy", The 1st Ebara Open Innovation International Symposium on CMP, May 16, 2018, Fujisawa, Japan
  6. ※T. Fukuma, "Recent Progress in Liquid-Environment Frequency Modulation AFM and Its Related Techniques", The 20th International Scanning Probe Microscopy Conference, May 8-11, 2018, Tempe, USA
  7. ※T. Fukuma, "Recent Progress in FM-AFM and 3D-AFM for Visualizing Structures and Dynamics at Solid-Liquid Interfaces", XX. Annual Linz Winter Workshop, Feb. 2 – Feb. 5, 2018, Linz, Austria


  1. ※T. Fukuma “Recent Progress in Liquid-Environment FM-AFM and Its Related Techniques” MRS Fall Meeting 2017 29 Nov., 2017 Boston, USA
  2. ※Y. Takahashi “Live cell super-resolution topography and chemical imaging by scanning probe microscopy” International seminar on biophysics and chemical biology of biomembrane and lipid bilayers 9 Oct., 2017 Osaka, Japan
  3. ※Y. Takahashi “Nanoscale electrochemical imaging by scanning probe microscopy” International Workshop: New Electroanalytical Techniques and Their Emerging Applications (IWNET-2017) 26 Sep., 2017 Xi'an, China
  4. ※Y. Takahashi “Multifunctional Scanning Ion Conductance Microscopy for Single Cell Analysis” Meeting of the German Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 23 Sep., 2017 Bochum, Germany
  5. ※Y. Takahashi “Visualization of Nanoscale Inhomogeneous Current Distribution on ZrO2-Coated LiCoO2 Thin-Film Electrodes using SECCM” 9th Workshop on Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy (SECM) 15 Aug., 2017 Warsaw, Poland
  6. ※T. Fukuma “Atomistic Calcite Dissolution Model Investigated by High-Speed Atomic Force Microscopy” Gordon Research Conference - Crystal Growth and Assembly 25-30 Jun., 2017 Biddeford, USA


  1. ※T. Fukuma “Development and Applications of Advanced Atomic Force Microscopy Techniques for Nanoscience Research” The First Tufts University – Kanazawa University Joint Symposium on Structure and Function of Molecules, Tissues, and Organisms 13 Dec., 2016 Boston, U.S.A
  2. ※T. Fukuma “Atomic-resolution imaging of calcite dissolution process at1sec/frame by high‐speed frequency modulation atomic force microscopy” 4th Kanazawa Bio-AFM Workshop 2016 3-6 Oct., 2016 KKR HOTEL KANAZAWA(Kanazawa,Japan)
  3. ※T. Fukuma, K. Miyata, Y. Kawagoe, K. Miyazawa, P. Spijker, A. Foster “Calcite Dissolution Processes Visualized by High-Speed Frequency Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy with True Atomic Resolution” The 18th International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy 7-12 Aug, 2016 Nagoya Congress Center(Nagoya,Japan)
  4. ※T. Fukuma “Recent Advancement and Future Prospects in FM-AFM Instrumentation for Liquid-Environment Applications” Japan-Finland Research Exchange Meeting:Experiments and Theory of Liquid-Environment Scanning Probe Microscopy 28 Apr.,2016 Kanazawa University(Kanazawa, Japan)
  5. ※T. Fukuma, H. Asakawa, K. Miyata, N. Inada, K. Miyazawa “Recent Developments in Liquid-Environment frequency modulation AFM” Symposium on atomic-scale characterization of solid-liquid interfaces 1 Apr., 2016 Madrid, Spain


  1. ※Takeshi Fukuma "Measuring electric potential in liquids" Joint ACRITAS & MAINZ Summer School, Investigating the Solid-Liquid Interface Sep. 14-17, 2015 Mainz, Germany
  2. ※Takeshi Fukuma and Kazuki Miyata "Visualizing atomic-scale calcite dissolution processes by high-speed frequency modulation atomic force microscopy" Atomic structure of nanosystems from first-principles simulations and microscopy experiments (AS-SIMEX 2015) 9-11 June, 2015 Helsinki, Finland/ Stockholm, Sweden
  3. ※Takeshi Fukuma "Introduction to Atomic Force Microscopy" Tutorial on Microscopy Techniques 8 June, 2015 Helsinki, Finland


  1. ※T. Fukuma “Instrumentation and applications of liquid-environment FM-AFM” XXI International Summer School “Nicolas Cabrera” 14-18, July 2014 Madrid, Spain


  1. ※T. Fukuma, K. Miyata, N. Kobayashi, H. Asakawa “Improving Fundamental Performance of Liquid-Environment FM-AFM” 2013 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit Dec., 2013 Boston, U.S.A
  2. H. Asakawa, T. Fukuma “3D scanning force microscopy for subnanometer-scale investigations on biological interfaces” Catalysis Research Center(CRC) International Symposium, New Challenges on the Bio-interfaces: Structures and Dynamics 6 Feb., 2013 Sapporo, Japan
  3. T. Fukuma “Atomic-scale Imaging of Solid/liquid Interfaces” 7th Japanese-French Frontiers of Science Symposium 18 Jan., 2013 Otsu, Japan


  1. T. Fukuma, H. Nakayachi, K. Miyata, N. Kobayashi, H. Asakawa “Atomic-resolution imaging in liquid by FM-AFM using small cantilevers with megahertz-order resonance frequencies” MRS fall meeting 2012 27 Nov., 2012 Boston, USA
  2. T. Fukuma, H. Asakawa, N. Kobayashi “Visualizing subnanometer-scale distribution of water at solid/liquid interfaces by three-dimensional scanning force microscopy” First International Symposium on Advanced Water Science and Technology(ISAWST-1) 12 Nov., 2012 Nagoya, Japan
  3. T. Fukuma,H. Asakawa,N. Inada, Y. Katagiri “High-resolution Imaging of Mobile Water and Fluctuating Surface Structures at Nanobio Interfaces by 3D Scanning Force Microscopy” 3rd Kanazawa Bio-AFM Workshop 2012年11月8日 金沢
  5. T. Fukuma “Subnanometer-Resolution Liquid-Environment AFM for Investigations on Biological Interfaces” The First International Conference on Materials, Energy and Environments(ICMEE 2012) 10 May., 2012 Toledo, USA
  6. T. Fukuma “Atomic-scale studies on hydration structures at solid/liquid interfaces by FM-AFM” Fundamental Aspects of Friction and Lubrication 19 Apr., 2012 Leiden, the Netherlands


  1. T. Fukuma “Visualizing Nanobio‐interfaces by Frequency Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy” 2011 Korea Japan Symposium on Molecular Science 8 Jul., 2011 Busan, Korea


  1. T. Fukuma “Subnanometer-scale Imaging of Interfacial Water by Frequency Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy” Miniworkshop on Aqueous Interfaces in Physics, Chemistry and Biology 27 Nov., 2010 Taipei, Taiwan
  2. T. Fukuma “Subnanometer-scale Visualization of Nanobio-interfaces by Frequency Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy” BIT's 1st Annual Congress of Nanomedicine 2010 25 Oct., 2010 Beijing, China
  3. T. Fukuma “Subnanometer-resolution FM-AFM Imaging of Biological Systems in Liquid” 167 Committee Satellite Workshop on SPM 4 Aug., 2010 Kanazawa


  1. T. Fukuma “Frequency Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy for Visualizing Nanobio-Interfaces” 19th Academic Symposium of MRS-Japan 2009 7 Dec., 2009 Yokohama,Japan
  2. T. Fukuma “Instrumentation and Applications of Liquid-Environment Frequency Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy” MRS fall meeting 2009 1 Dec., 2009 Boston, USA
  3. T. Fukuma “Molecular-Scale Investigations on Model Biological Membranes by Frequency Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy” The XI Linz Winter Workshop 2009 6-9 Feb., 2009 Linz, Austria


  1. T. Fukuma “High-Speed Frequency Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy” 16th International Colloquium on Scanning Probe Microscopy (ICSPM16) 11 Dec.,2008 Atagawa, Japan


  1. T. Fukuma “Nanoscale Characterization of Protein Aggregates and Nanofibers” The 6th International Symposium on Atomic Level Characterizations for NewMaterials and Devices '07 28 Oct. - 2 Nov. 2007 Kanazawa,Japan
  2. T. Fukuma “Direct Imaging of Water/Lipid Interface by Frequency Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy at Sub-Angstrom Resolution” Kanazawa Workshop on Atomic Force Microscopy 15-18 Jan. 2007 Kanazawa,Japan


  1. T. Fukuma “Direct Visualization of Water/Lipid Interface by Frequency Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy at Sub-Angstrom Resolution” Frontiers in Scanning Probe Microscopy 4-6 Oct. 2006 West Lafayette, USA
  2. T. Fukuma “Instrumentation and Biological Applications of Dynamic Force Microscopy” Frontiers in Microscopy 5-7 Jul. 2006 Bar Harbor, USA


  1. T. Fukuma “Biological Applications of Atomic Force Microscopy in Liquid” Microscopical Society of Ireland 29th Annual Symposium 7-9 Sep. 2005 Dublin, Ireland